Looking for a company that manufactures automotive die casting parts? Look no further than Shaoyi. Driven by a mission to serve a diverse range of car-related needs, we strive to deliver high-quality services and products. We design our die casting parts to help car makers and manufacturers improve their operations so they can produce vehicles with greater efficiency and speed
We understand that manufacturing car parts with care and quality is important to Shaoyi. Which Shaoyi avtomobil shtamplash qolipi is why we only ever use the highest grade material and machinery the industry can offer. We have gifted engineers and technicians who pay special attention to make each and every part according to the specification you demand. Attractive deals for old cars and high demand for SUVs are constant factors in support of the rising success of the automotive industry, but we consider that quality is the only way to achieve it.
With a vast range of die casting services including aluminum and zinc die casting. We also have additional services such as secondary machining, finishing, and assembly. Die casting parts that fulfill even strictest requirements of the automotive industry – thanks to our high-tech machines. We take pride in quality of our products
As a die casting parts supplier for automotive industries, we care for the satisfaction of our customers. Our die casting parts are customized to fit every single client's requirements, and we reach to a consensus regarding any requirement, as a rule, to work with clients. People have a choice in seeing where their work goes and the value it adds to society or how timely delivering products are, as we know how important time can be in manufacturing.
We have highly trained engineers and technicians who utilize the most recent in Shaoyi avtomobil qoplami technologies. We use sophisticated CAD and CAM software systems to assist in designing and manufacturing parts. We can provide die casting solutions that enhance the efficiency of production and performance and with our experience and best-in-class features we can offer bespoke die casting designs.
Our precision components are used in a diverse range of automotive applications, such as engines, transmissions and steering systems. We understand with great depth that maintaining the precise requirements that these components need to be delivered according to, is of utmost importance and we produce nothing but the best products for the customer base we serve.
We provide automotive die cast parts so you can make vehicles more efficiently and easily. Our innovative solutions embody our commitment to remaining at the forefront of Shaoyi die automotive technology. For us, collaborating, bouncing ideas and building off one another with the aim of helping those that rely on us, gain an advantage in an ever-changing automotive arena.
Kompaniyamiz avtomobil ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan bo'lib, mahsulotimizning 90 foizdan ortig'i avtomobilsozlik sanoatiga qaratilgan. Biz yengil avtomobillar, tijorat avtomobillari, golf aravalari, shuningdek, mototsikllar, yuk mashinalari va traktorlar kabi keng turdagi transport vositalari uchun yuqori sifatli butlovchi qismlarni taqdim etamiz. Ushbu keng mahsulot portfeli bizning ko'p qirraliligimiz va avtomobil bozorining turli ehtiyojlarini qondirish majburiyatini ko'rsatadi. Bundan tashqari, biz Xitoyning Volkswagen kompaniyasiga osma tizimlarning yetakchi yetkazib beruvchisi ekanligimizdan faxrlanamiz, bu esa yirik avtomobil brendlariga ishonchli va inqilobiy yechimlarni taklif qilish qobiliyatimizni namoyish etadi. Bizning ulkan sanoat tajribamiz mahsulotlarimizni nafaqat ishlash va sifat bo'yicha mijozlar kutganlarini qondirishga, balki undan ham oshib ketishiga imkon beradi.
Biz har bir muhandis 10 yildan ortiq avtomobil tajribasiga ega bo'lgan sodiq ilmiy-tadqiqot bo'limimiz bilan faxrlanamiz. Ushbu tajriba bizga turli materiallarning o'ziga xos tabiati va xususiyatlarini tushunishga imkon beradi, bu bizga mijozlarimizga moslashtirilgan echimlarni taklif qilish imkonini beradi. Biz dizaynning har bir jihati ishlab chiqarish uchun optimallashtirilganligini ta'minlash uchun mahsulotni ishlab chiqish, texnik yordam va keng qamrovli DFM hisobotida ekspert CAE tahlillarini taklif qilamiz. Biz texnologiyani taraqqiy ettirishga va mijozlarimizning ehtiyojlarini qondirishga mo'ljallangan yuqori sifatli metall mahsulotlarni taqdim etishga sodiqmiz.
10,000 30 kvadrat metrdan ortiq maydonni egallagan va 15 dan ortiq avtomobil markalari uchun metall qismlarni ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan kompaniyamiz bu sohada XNUMX yildan ortiq tajribaga ega. Biz har bir mahsulot eng yuqori sifat standartlariga ega bo'lishini ta'minlash uchun shtamplash, CNC ishlov berish qoliplarini ishlab chiqarish va alyuminiy quyish kabi ilg'or ishlov berish usullaridan foydalanamiz. Bizning qat'iy sifat nazorati choralarimiz mahsulotimiz hajmi va ishlashi jihatidan bir xil bo'lishini ta'minlaydi. Bu mijozlarimizga bo'lgan ishonch va ishonchni oshiradi.
Biz IATF 16949 sertifikatiga ega bo'lganimizdan g'oyat g'ururlanamiz. Bu biz avtomobil sanoatida erishmoqchi bo'lgan sifat menejmenti mukammalligining tasdig'idir. Bizning sifat departamentimiz sifat uchun beshta muhim vositadan foydalanishda malakali: Statistik jarayonlarni nazorat qilish (SPC), o'lchov tizimini tahlil qilish (MSA), nosozliklar rejimi va ta'sirlarni tahlil qilish (FMEA), mahsulot sifatini ilg'or rejalashtirish (APQP) va ishlab chiqarish qismini tasdiqlash tartibi ( PPAP). Bundan tashqari, bizning sifatli xodimlarimiz olti Sigma bo'yicha intensiv treningni yakunladi, bu esa mahsulot sifati standartlaridagi eng yuqori standartlarga javob berishimizni ta'minlaydi. Sifatni nazorat qilishning keng qamrovli usuli biz taklif qilayotgan har bir mahsulot nafaqat sanoat talablariga javob berishini, balki tez-tez oshib ketishini ta'minlaydi va mijozlarimizga xizmatlarimizga nisbatan ishonch va qoniqish hissini beradi.