Shaoyi is a unique company that makes key components of automobiles and machinery. CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control, and it is a machine used to produce these components. That means we use computers to assist the machines to make our parts extremely accurately. This Shaoyi cnc avtomobil qismlari technology ensures that our parts fit perfectly into cars or other machines when we assemble them together. This is so crucial as a better fit means a more functional part with less wear and tear
Our parts are designed using special computer programs to create the designs that we need in order to use them as our parts. This ensures that they are just the right shape and size that they have to be, Once we have the design finished, our machines use it to chop and craft materials into the components we require. It is a delicate process that produces each piece to exact specifications.
Here at Shaoyi we have an intelligent approach to produce numerous components in no time. We have organized our machines which work together would save us so much labor & money. We also have a talented core of folks working behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly. Some people are to design the parts, while some program the machines to follow these designs. We also have Machine watchers who watch the machines to ensure that they are doing their work correctly. It allows us to be able to quickly pump out high quality parts and not delay our customers, which is ideal for us.
We think it is very important to have good parts. To enable our parts to play nice and stay strong, we have a systematic procedure that ensures the quality check of everything we produce. We check our parts to see whether the Shaoyi cnc automotive are the correct shape and size, and will match up well when fitted to cars or machines. Like a doctor checking to ensure everything is fine! We also test the materials during making so that strong and durable material will be used in the making of parts if we do not use strong material they cannot bear wear and tear for a long time.
We take great pride in what we choose as materials to build our parts. We only use premium materials that are durable and proven to be long-lasting. That means our parts can take a lot of abuse before they wear out or break. As an example, we could use some hard metals that resistant to pressure or even special rubber that resist extremely high temperature. We choose the best materials for our parts with intention because we want them to be as good as they can get.
We have a whole engineering team at Shaoyi that specializes in part manufacturing. The Shaoyi avtomatik shtamplash qismlari are individuals who have put in the time and effort to learn how to build functional systems. They constantly strive to work on how our parts can do better. Be it making them tougher, lighter or just improving the material used our engineers always work toward auto part optimization. That creativity and expertise are a major reason for our success as a company.
Biz IATF 16949 sertifikatiga ega bo'lganimizdan faxrlanamiz. Bu bizning avtomobil sanoatida sifat menejmenti mukammalligimizdan dalolat beradi. Bizning sifat bo'limi Statistik jarayonlarni boshqarish (SPC), o'lchov tizimlarini tahlil qilish (MSA), nosozliklar rejimi va ta'sirlarni tahlil qilish (FMEA), mahsulot sifatini ilg'or rejalashtirish va ishlab chiqarish qismini tasdiqlash jarayonini o'z ichiga olgan beshta muhim sifat vositalarini o'zlashtirdi. Bizning sifat jamoasi, shuningdek, mahsulot sifati uchun eng yuqori standartlarni saqlab qolishimizni ta'minlash uchun olti Sigma treningini yakunladi. Sifat menejmentiga tizimli yondashuvimiz mahsulotlarimiz nafaqat sanoatimiz standartlariga mos kelishini, balki ko'pincha ulardan oshib ketishini ta'minlaydi, mijozlarimizga ishonch va xizmatimizdan to'liq qoniqish beradi.
Biz ishlab chiqarayotgan mahsulotlarning aksariyati avtomobilsozlik sanoati uchun maxsus mo'ljallangan. Kompaniyamiz avtomobillar, golf aravalari va mototsikllarni o'z ichiga olgan turli avtomobillarga mos keladigan yuqori sifatli butlovchi qismlarni taklif etadi. Ushbu keng mahsulot portfeli avtomobilsozlik sanoatining turli talablarini qondirish uchun bizning ko'p qirraliligimiz va majburiyatimizni namoyish etadi. Shuningdek, biz Xitoyda Volkswagen uchun osma tizimlarning eng yirik yetkazib beruvchisi ekanligimizdan faxrlanamiz. Bu bizning kompaniyamizning eng yaxshi avtomobil brendlariga samarali va ishonchli yechimlarni taqdim etish qobiliyatini isbotlaydi. Bizda nafaqat mijozlarimizning ishlashi va sifati bo'yicha kutishlariga javob beradigan, balki undan ham yuqori bo'lgan mahsulotlarni loyihalash va ishlab chiqarish imkonini beruvchi chuqur sanoat ma'lumotlariga egamiz.
Biz har bir muhandis 10 yildan ortiq avtomobil tajribasiga ega bo'lgan maxsus ilmiy-tadqiqot bo'limimiz bilan faxrlanamiz. Bizning tajribamiz turli materiallarning o'ziga xos xususiyatlari va jarayonlarini tanib olish imkonini beradi, bu bizga mijozlarimizga moslashtirilgan echimlarni taqdim etish imkonini beradi. Biz CAE ekspert tahlilini, ishlab chiqish va texnik yordamni, shuningdek, dizaynning har bir jihatini ishlab chiqarish uchun optimallashtirilganligini ta'minlash uchun batafsil DFM hisobotlarini taklif qilamiz. Innovatsiyalarga bo'lgan ishtiyoqimiz mijozlarimizning maxsus talablariga javob beradigan yuqori sifatli, moslashtirilgan metall qismlarni taqdim etib, bizni sanoatimizdan oldinda ushlab turadi.
Avtomobil sohasida 15 yildan ortiq tajribaga ega bo'lgan firmamiz 10,000 30 kvadrat metrdan ortiq maydonni egallaydi va XNUMX dan ortiq avtomobil markalari uchun metall butlovchi qismlarni ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan. Mahsulotlarimiz CNC ishlab chiqarish va ishlov berish kabi eng yangi texnikalar yordamida ishlab chiqariladi. Bizning sifat nazorati bo'yicha qat'iy choralarimiz o'lchamlar va shakllar, shuningdek, ishlashda izchillikni ta'minlaydi. Bularning barchasi mijozlarimiz o'rtasida ishonch va qoniqish hosil qiladi.