If you drive a car, you likely never stop to consider every single component that contributes to its functioning. There are many key components to mention; such as brakes, engine, tires and much more. Every single one of these pieces has to be created perfectly in order for your car to run properly and to keep you safe on the road. The one who had been dealing with the car parts manufacture is Shaoyi. The Shaoyi cnc avtomobil qismlari offer it with some unique fitted out process which we name machining a part. That is, they ensure that the components mesh perfectly, something essential for the performance of the cart
Machining is a process in which a manufacturer takes a single piece of solid metal or another material and shapes it — by cutting away unwanted layers, to be fitted into the exact form required for a particular part. At Shaoyi, the craftsmen—machinists to be precise—where their training and artisanship come to play in producing parts tailored for different car guises. Every aspect is built according to the design and specifications.
For instance, say your car needs a new brake rotor. It is of course a very important part, one that has the brake pads pressing against it to slow or stop the car. The brake pads press in on the brake rotor as you press the brake pedal, creating friction and slowing wheels. Shaoyi's machinists use a block of metal as the base, to then carefully cut away at it until they create a piece that will fit your individual car. They leave no stone unturned and even ensure that rotor surface is super smooth. It is important to have a smooth surface as this allows the brake pads to make proper contact and perform their job
Say you have an old-school car that requires a part and that no longer being manufactured, Shaoyi will come to the rescue. They can manufacturing a custom part to fit your car exactly. They will collaborate with you to ensure that the part is sized and shaped as it should be, they will also choose a material that compliments your car. With this level of customized service, your classic car is able to operate and look its best.
On top of the experienced machinists, Shaoyi also employs advanced technology to ensure accurate parts. They are always searching for ways to innovate their processes and streamline operations. One of the ways includes the use of computer-controlled machines. These Shaoyi avtomobil qismlarini qayta ishlash machines are capable of cutting and shaping materials with extreme precision, and do so in a fraction of the time it would take a human. In turn, this allows Shaoyi to produce parts at a faster rate without compromising on quality.
Shaoyi constantly works to improve their part manufacturing processes and use the latest technology. They will purchase brand-new machines, tools, and techniques that allow them to manufacture the best parts they can. An advanced approach that they opt for is CNC machining. The CNC in Computer Numerical Control, which is a method of controlling the machines via computers so that it can give fine cuts & shapes.
Shaoyi also employs a process referred to as Shaoyi avtomobil qismlarini cnc bilan ishlov berish. You can use "Micromachining" to cut down very small. Close tolerance is a technique that is generally associated with high-tech industries such as aerospace and medical where precision really does matter. As a result of these cutting-edge processes Shaoyi can produce components that are precise, durable and functionally efficient.
Biz ishlab chiqarayotgan mahsulotlarning 90% dan ortig'i avtomobil sanoatida foydalanishga mo'ljallangan. Kompaniyamiz golf aravalari, avtomobillar va mototsikllar kabi turli xil transport vositalari uchun yuqori sifatli qismlarni taqdim etadi. Bizning keng mahsulot assortimentimiz avtomobil bozorining turli talablarini qondirish qobiliyatimizdan dalolat beradi. Shuningdek, biz Xitoyda Volkswagen kompaniyasining osma tizimlarining eng nufuzli yetkazib beruvchisi ekanligimizdan faxrlanamiz va yirik avtomobil brendlariga ishonchli va inqilobiy yechimlarni taklif qilish qobiliyatimizni namoyish etamiz. Bizda nafaqat unumdorlik va yuqori sifat bo'yicha mijozlarimiz kutgan talablarga javob beradigan, balki undan ham yuqori bo'lgan mahsulotlar ishlab chiqarish imkonini beruvchi mustahkam sanoat asosimiz bor.
Avtomobil sohasida 15 yildan ortiq tajribaga ega bo'lgan firmamiz 10,000 30 kvadrat metrdan ortiq maydonni egallaydi va XNUMX dan ortiq avtomobil markalari uchun metall butlovchi qismlarni ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan. Mahsulotlarimiz CNC ishlab chiqarish va ishlov berish kabi eng yangi texnikalar yordamida ishlab chiqariladi. Bizning sifat nazorati bo'yicha qat'iy choralarimiz o'lchamlar va shakllar, shuningdek, ishlashda izchillikni ta'minlaydi. Bularning barchasi mijozlarimiz o'rtasida ishonch va qoniqish hosil qiladi.
Biz har bir muhandis avtomobilsozlik sohasida 10 yildan ortiq tajribaga ega bo'lgan sodiq ilmiy-tadqiqot bo'limimiz bilan faxrlanamiz. Ushbu tajriba bizga turli xil materiallarning o'ziga xos tabiati va xususiyatlarini tan olish imkonini beradi, bu bizga mijozlarimiz uchun echimlarni moslashtirish imkonini beradi. Biz professional CAE tahlilini, mahsulotni ishlab chiqishni va texnik yordamni, shuningdek, dizaynning har bir elementi ishlab chiqarishga tayyor bo'lishini ta'minlash uchun optimallashtirilganligini ta'minlash uchun batafsil DFM hisobotlarini taklif etamiz. Biz innovatsiyalarga sodiqmiz va mijozlarimizning aniq talablariga javob beradigan yuqori sifatli metall qismlarni taqdim etamiz.
Biz IATF 16949 sertifikatiga ega bo'lganimizdan g'oyat g'ururlanamiz, bu bizning avtomobil sanoatida erishmoqchi bo'lgan sifat menejmenti mukammalligimizdan dalolat beradi. Bizning sifat bo'limi Statistik jarayonlarni boshqarish (SPC), o'lchov tizimlarini tahlil qilish (MSA), nosozliklar rejimi va ta'sirlarni tahlil qilish (FMEA), mahsulot sifatini ilg'or rejalashtirish va ishlab chiqarish qismini tasdiqlash jarayonini o'z ichiga olgan beshta muhim sifat vositalarini egallaydi. Bundan tashqari, bizning sifatli xodimlarimiz olti Sigma bo'yicha keng qamrovli treningni yakunladilar, bu esa mahsulot sifati uchun eng qat'iy standartlarga rioya qilishimizni ta'minlaydi. Sifatni nazorat qilishning ushbu keng qamrovli usuli biz taqdim etayotgan har bir mahsulot nafaqat sanoatning kutganlariga javob berishini, balki ko'pincha ulardan oshib ketishini ta'minlaydi, balki mijozlarimizga xizmatlarimizga nisbatan ishonch va qoniqishni ham beradi.