Hey there! Please continue reading to get a little insight on how we make car parts from plastic. This procedure is called as plastic injection moulding. That is however pretty cool though as Shaoyi automotive moulds is just melting the plastic, heating it to a temperature where it can be shaped and then just molding into those pieces that make cars. How awesome is that to consider? The parts of a car consist of hundreds of elements and nowadays using plastic injection moulding one of them is produced.
Thus we shall proceed to the details of the plastic injection moulding what really is it all about? It is how to produce the mold from the melted plastic. The mold is exactly a type of casing that can take the shape of the plastic material that will be used. This we achieve by letting the hot melted plastic to cool after we have poured it into the mould. The plastic after cooling becomes firm and can be reused as a certain part of car. This way is as good as making car parts and faster and simpler can be done in few hours!
But for example when we produce car parts it is very important that elements of the car are accurately assembled. If one of the DFD elements is large, the other one will be too large to fit it in or small to fit the large element in. Which means we HAVE to be super accurate! Each mould that is manufactured needs to match those requirements every single time. Sometimes it’s not simple, however, at Shaoyi we have the resources and manpower to execute that every time. We believe in making everything fit seamlessly into place, like each piece fitting a puzzle!
Plastic injection molding, just like all other aspects in the globe, is a growing technology and manufacturing process. Just as with toys/games that are manufactured and launched into the market on a regular bases, new products for molding are being developed everyday. There is also well documented evidence that our machines are even becoming smarter by the day. As a result here at Shaoyi we keep on experimenting and refining the Shaoyi troquel de automoción. We use best process and product material, which will enable us to erect quality and safe parts.
Plastic can become even more complicated when it comes to designing car parts. It could be full of obstacles which we could have to jump over in the process of accomplish of the work. We also have to check that the plastic is at exactly the right temperature before it is then poured into the mold. This may however not work if the water is too hot or too cold We will also have to monitor the air bubbles in the mold because they cause more problems down the line. But don’t worry! For the challenges we encounter, Shaoyi has a professional senior team who understand how to tackle the challenge for the organization. It is agreed that we tackle the problems together and make everything go as smooth as possible.
Well there is no doubt that plastic injection moulding is one of the best ways to make awesome car parts, but the question in our case is how. The best part is that one, that’s where all the coffee magic happens as a consequence of grinding through all the tedious work. And when we construct parts for automobiles well, they simply falling into each other into place as they should. Shaoyi automotive parts molding makes the car to operate as expected and ensure all persons inside are protected when using it.
A nosa empresa está especializada na fabricación de automóbiles, con máis do 90 por cento dos nosos produtos enfocados á industria do automóbil. Ofrecemos compoñentes de alta calidade para unha ampla gama de vehículos, incluíndo turismos, vehículos comerciais, carros de golf, así como motocicletas, camións e tractores. Esta ampla carteira de produtos ilustra a nosa versatilidade e compromiso para satisfacer as diversas necesidades do mercado do automóbil. Ademais, estamos orgullosos de ser o principal provedor de sistemas de suspensión de Volkswagen en China, o que demostra a nosa capacidade para ofrecer solucións fiables e revolucionarias ás principais marcas de automóbiles. A nosa ampla experiencia industrial fai que os nosos produtos non só cumpran, senón que superen as expectativas dos clientes en canto ao rendemento e a calidade.
Estamos incriblemente orgullosos de posuír a certificación IATF 16949, que é un testemuño da nosa excelencia na xestión da calidade que nos esforzamos por acadar na industria do automóbil. O noso departamento de calidade domina cinco ferramentas de calidade cruciais que inclúen o control estatístico de procesos (SPC), a análise de sistemas de medición (MSA), o modo de fallo e a análise de efectos (FMEA), a planificación avanzada da calidade do produto e o proceso de aprobación de pezas de produción. Ademais, o noso persoal de calidade realizou unha ampla formación Six Sigma, garantindo que cumprimos os estándares máis estritos de calidade dos produtos. Este método integral de control de calidade garante que todos os produtos que ofrecemos non só cumpran, senón que a miúdo superen as expectativas da industria, senón que tamén proporcionan aos nosos clientes confianza e satisfacción polos nosos servizos.
Con máis de 15 anos de experiencia no sector da automoción, a nosa empresa ocupa unha superficie de máis de 10,000 metros cadrados e está especializada na fabricación de pezas metálicas para máis de 30 marcas de automoción. Utilizamos técnicas de procesamento avanzadas que inclúen estampación, mecanizado CNC, fabricación de moldes e fundición de aluminio para garantir que cada produto teña os máis altos estándares de calidade. Os nosos rigorosos procedementos de control de calidade garanten que os nosos produtos sexan constantes en termos de dimensións, forma, forma e rendemento. Isto xera confianza e confianza cos nosos clientes.
Estamos orgullosos do noso departamento de I+D dedicado, onde cada enxeñeiro ten máis de 10 anos de experiencia en automoción. Esta experiencia permítenos comprender as características e os procesos únicos de diversos materiais, o que nos permite adaptar solucións aos nosos clientes. Ofrecemos análises CAE profesionais, desenvolvemento de produtos e soporte técnico xunto con informes DFM detallados para garantir que todos os aspectos do deseño estean optimizados para a produción. Comprometémonos a avanzar na tecnoloxía e ofrecer pezas metálicas de alta calidade que satisfagan as necesidades específicas dos nosos clientes.