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Casting car parts

Availability of quality auto parts in exercising the mobility function of a car cannot be over-emphasized. To travel, or even to be driven by a human being, cars cannot do so without car parts. Every part of the car has an optimized work to enable you to have your car up and running. But automobile components manufacturing is a very time consuming, intensive and technical operations. Shaoyi has gained some sophistication craftsmanship in making car spare parts with a lot of precision. We applied ourselves to guarantee that every Shaoyi automobile casting parts should be qualified. 

The Casting Process

Casting is the leading method of making objects such as car parts and so on. There is specifically termed casting, which involves placing the mold in the hot liquid metal. This is when the metal assumes its finishing form in a metal mould. When we cast into it, the metal is very hot (and we hammer this until it cools down) When the metal has cooled down, it is stronger. Once the polymer has set fully we then take a lot of precaution to unmold the cast and then polish it. Casting at Shaoyi also allows for us to produce different automotive parts that are crucial in the performance of automobiles. 

Why choose Shaoyi Casting car parts?

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