Shaoyi is a unique factory that manufacture auto parts and so much more. This Factory has most important machines known as CNC Machines. These CNC machines are used to ensure that every component manufactured is done so, identically, each and every time. This is very crucial as this aims to enable the vehicles and machinery to perform efficiently in a seamless manner without many glitches. Actually, the first automobile components casting manufacturer were invented decades ago in the 1940s. But now, we have much better technology make more tiny and precise parts to fit into different machines.
Shaoyi creates their auto parts using these incredible CNC machines. They had a better response, since these machines were super intelligent and basically have computer programs that tell them how to move tools. The tools then help to cut pieces of metal or plastic into appropriate shapes and sizes. In the case of Shaoyi, they possess very high end machines that allows them to make all shapes in accuracy and precision they can also provide holes, threads, and grooves in these parts where all of these features are manufactured to the same tolerances. The machines do this task by themselves, which allows the workers working in the factory to concentrate on other essential works and ensure that everything is running smoothly.
The other good thing about Shaoyi is that they could also manufacture the custom parts for you. Not to mention, if you request the design or drawing of that particular part, they can directly program their machines to manufacture it. Which means they are capable of producing whatever your auto spare parts size may be, as simple as it may look to highly complex. They are able to handle other types of materials, including aluminium, brass, steel and even plastic with their machines. This means that you can be certain that any automotive injection mould manufacturer auto parts you receive will fit your wants and needs perfectly.
What is also cool about Shaoyi is they can make many auto parts in a short time. These same components are produced over and over, again with no errors in a high volume production process. That's how they can make duplicate parts for countless automobiles. They can produce lots of parts in no time because machines work too efficiently. In addition to that, when most of the work is done by the machines itself. It requires less time and effort from the workers in order to produce a number of parts together. That in turn, allows customers to get their parts sooner.
Everyone at places quality first among all priorities. Their manufacturing process is meticulous in ensuring every part that they produce meets their standards. They are careful to inspect every single part produced before they ship it out to customers to ensure only the best quality. Quality control tests and procedures are performed that make sure that the parts are structurally good and won't break down. It is also important that the machines work efficiently. There should be no mistakes in the manufacturing process. The car manufacturing plant are very fast and highly accurate. Which means that they can produce parts quickly if we look at the cost of making die-casting molds.
We are incredibly proud to hold the IATF certification 16949. This is an affirmation of the quality management excellence we strive to achieve within the auto industry. Our quality department is skilled in using five critical instruments for quality: Statistical Process Control (SPC), Measurement System Analysis (MSA), Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and the Production Part Approval Procedure (PPAP). Furthermore, our quality staff has completed intensive Six Sigma training, ensuring that we meet the highest standards in product quality standards. Our comprehensive method of quality control ensures that each product we offer not only meets, but frequently surpasses industry expectations, providing our customers with confidence and satisfaction regarding our services.
We are very proud of our committed R&D department, where every engineer has over 10 years of automotive experience. This expertise enables us to understand the unique nature and characteristics of the various materials, allowing us to offer customized solutions to our clients. We offer expert CAE analyses in product development, technical support as well as comprehensive DFM report to ensure that every aspect of the design is optimised for manufacturing. We're committed to advancing technology and provide top-quality metal products that are designed to meet the needs of our clients.
Our company, which covers more than 10,000 square meters and specializes in manufacturing metal components for more than 30 automotive brands, has more than 15 years of experience in the business. We utilize advanced processing techniques which include stamping, CNC machining, mold manufacturing, and aluminum die-casting to make sure that every item is manufactured to the highest quality standards. Our stringent quality control procedures ensure that our products remain constant in terms of dimensions shape, form and performance. This increases confidence and trust with our customers.
Our business is focused on manufacturing for the automotive industry, with more than 90% of our products are designed to serve the automotive market. Our company provides high-quality parts that fit a variety of automobiles including cars, golf carts and motorcycles. Our wide range of products is a testament to our ability to satisfy all the requirements of the automobile market. Additionally, we are proud to be the most reputable manufacturer of suspension systems for Volkswagen in China, highlighting our capability to provide reliable and innovative solutions to major automotive brands. We have a deep industry background that permits us to design and manufacture products that do not just meet but also exceed the requirements of our clients in regards to performance and quality.