Metal stamping dies, in particular, make metal stamps in definite shapes and designs using the punching techniques. In this type of die, a company can produce its parts more accurately. This allows them to produce their parts at high speed with a minimal amount of scrap material-an important factor because scrap material can be pretty expensive
Having said that, one of the most significant advantages of custom metal stamping dies is that they tend to save a lot of money. For example, when Shaoyi auto cable ties creates custom metal stamping dies, they ensure that the dies can be utilized for quite a pretty long period of time and therefore greatly benefits businesses. The Shaoyi auto kabelbindere can work for a long time; therefore, the firms do not have to buy new dies from time to time. That enables them to put away their money and spare time for further significant features rather than frequently buying tools. The first step in manufacturing, in the minds of most production geeks, is the use of custom metal stamping dies, which simplifies the process, a. k. a. getting you more finished work fast and at high quality.
The companies can even make it an automatic process for stamping using these very dies. That allows them to make those parts swiftly and uniformly with similar results time and again. Therefore, companies would be able to feed the desires of their customers and grow their businesses as they can produce more parts in lesser time. They also ensure that there is minimal wastage of metal during the production process. Products made by hand do not all look the same and this gives some scraps of unused metal pieces, known as scrap metal. The custom metal stamping dies from Shaoyi ensure that all the produced parts appear and are used similarly, leading to less scrapped metal.
From the definition of Precision, one would tell that it is paramount in the manufacturing of custom metal stamping dies. Precision keeps the uniformity of these parts made with these dies. This process is very crucial in ensuring that products will pad up and service properly. Shaoyi knows that accuracy is the name of the game, thus their dies are engineered for precision
Once he creates the 3D model, he has another software that will translate that model into machine language.
In manufacturing, you're using the software to guide the manufacture of the component Then you go ahead and shape the die using CNC machines in accordance with the guidelines provided. We use this machine that is very exact for cutting and forming the die. Custom metal stamping dies enable a production process that is more rapid and less expensive but creates as well a marvelous aesthetics and functionality of different products.
Shaoyi is a manufacturer of custom metal stamping dies that allow the production of parts with great accuracy perfect fitting and functioning together. This is highly required in industries like car manufacturing where precise parts are necessary for security and performance.
Vores virksomhed, der dækker over 10,000 kvadratmeter og er fokuseret på fremstilling af metaldele til over 30 bilmærker, kan prale af mere end 15 års erfaring i branchen. Vi anvender banebrydende forarbejdningsteknikker såsom stempling, CNC-maskinbearbejdning, formfremstilling og trykstøbning for at sikre, at hvert produkt er af de højeste kvalitetsstandarder. Vores strenge kvalitetskontrolprocedurer sikrer, at vi har de samme dimensioner og former, såvel som i ydeevne. Alt dette skaber tillid og tilfredshed blandt vores kunder.
Vi er utroligt stolte over at have IATF-certificeringen 16949. Dette er en bekræftelse af den kvalitetsstyring, vi stræber efter at opnå inden for bilindustrien. Vores kvalitetsafdeling er dygtig til at bruge fem kritiske instrumenter til kvalitet: Statistisk proceskontrol (SPC), Analyse af målesystem (MSA), fejltilstand og effektanalyse (FMEA), avanceret produktkvalitetsplanlægning (APQP) og produktionsdelgodkendelsesproceduren ( PPAP). Ydermere har vores kvalitetsmedarbejdere gennemført intensiv Six Sigma-uddannelse, hvilket sikrer, at vi opfylder de højeste standarder for produktkvalitetsstandarder. Vores omfattende kvalitetskontrolmetode sikrer, at hvert produkt, vi tilbyder, ikke kun opfylder, men ofte overgår industriens forventninger, og giver vores kunder tillid og tilfredshed med vores tjenester.
Vi er ekstremt stolte af vores dedikerede R&D-afdeling, hvor hver ingeniør har mere end 10 års erfaring i bilindustrien. Vores ekspertise giver os mulighed for at genkende de unikke egenskaber og processer af forskellige materialer, hvilket giver os mulighed for at levere skræddersyede løsninger til vores kunder. Vi tilbyder ekspertanalyse af CAE, udvikling og teknisk support, samt detaljerede DFM-rapporter for at sikre, at alle aspekter af designet er optimeret til at blive produceret. Vores passion for innovation holder os foran vores branche og leverer premium, tilpassede metaldele, der opfylder vores kunders særlige krav.
Over 90% af de produkter, vi fremstiller, er beregnet til bilindustrien. Vi tilbyder dele af høj kvalitet, der er velegnede til en bred vifte af køretøjer, herunder golfvogne til personbiler, erhvervskøretøjer samt motorcykler, lastbiler og traktorer. Vores brede udvalg af produkter er et vidnesbyrd om vores evne til at opfylde alle kravene på markedet for biler. Vi er også privilegerede over at være den førende leverandør af affjedringssystemer til Volkswagen i Kina, hvilket demonstrerer vores evne til at tilbyde pålidelige og revolutionære løsninger til de bedste bilmærker. Vores mangeårige industrielle viden gør, at vores produkter ikke kun opfylder, men overgår kundernes forventninger med hensyn til ydeevne og kvalitet.